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It Couldn’t Be Easier to Secure a Collateral Loan

Have you fallen behind on medical or car payments? Perhaps you had to miss some unexpected time at work and your paychecks were a little short this month. Whatever the reason, sometimes you need a quick cash infusion to help you make ends meet. At Zak’s Pawn Shop, we understand the importance of providing collateral loans to our Los Angeles-area customers. With over 20 years of experience in the pawn shop industry and two locations to serve you better, we couldn’t make collateral loans any easier to secure. Our staff provides free, honest appraisals for your collateral, and there are never any credit checks required. As a family-owned business, we understand the importance of you taking care of yours.

How Our Collateral Loans Work

The first step to securing a collateral loan from our pawn shop is to tell us the amount you’re seeking to borrow. This is how our simple collateral loan process works:

  • Bring in your items you’d like to use as collateral (could range from high-end electronics and gemstones to scrap gold, power tools, and antiques/collectibles)
  • We’ll need to see a valid government-issued ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.)
  • Our appraisers will examine your item and assign it a fair market value
  • We’ll offer you a no-obligation collateral loan based on our appraisal
  • If you accept our collateral loan terms, we’ll keep your item until you repay the loan
  • If you are unable to repay your loan on time, you can always pay low interest on it as many times as you want until you are ready to repay it.

Explanation of Our Collateral Loan Terms

Zak’s Pawn Shop is licensed, bonded, and insured to provide pawn shop loan services. Our collateral loan terms include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Our collateral loans come in four-month renewable loan tickets
  • There’s no limit as to how many loans you’re allowed with us at a time
  • Loans may be paid off at any time without an additional charge
  • If you can not repay the loan back to us, you have an option to pay an interest at a low percentage rate until you are ready to repay it back
  • All loan redemptions must be paid in cash

Contact Us Today with Any Loan Questions

Zak’s Pawn Shop provides exceptional customer service in both English and Spanish. If you need a temporary collateral loan in the Los Angeles area, you can count on us to treat you with the respect you deserve by providing an honest appraisal and keeping your item(s) securely in our vault while your loan is active with us. Should you ever have any questions or concerns regarding how our loans work, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Your Source for Fast Cash